Misc shots from photo re-tagging in PSE9 16 June Written By Joel Bramley Just a couple of random photos from the past that I found interesting during re-tagging Spring Onion Bendigo Show and Fireworks 2005 Macro on my old Olympus C770 Ultrazoom (4MP) Crane on Bendigo Skyline 2005 Hargreaves Street Mall - 2005 2005bendigoelementsfireworksflowermacroonionphotoshoppse9showspring onion Joel Bramley http://www.joelbramley.com
Misc shots from photo re-tagging in PSE9 16 June Written By Joel Bramley Just a couple of random photos from the past that I found interesting during re-tagging Spring Onion Bendigo Show and Fireworks 2005 Macro on my old Olympus C770 Ultrazoom (4MP) Crane on Bendigo Skyline 2005 Hargreaves Street Mall - 2005 2005bendigoelementsfireworksflowermacroonionphotoshoppse9showspring onion Joel Bramley http://www.joelbramley.com