Processed Raw image (ORF)
This shot is a little blurry as I moved when taking the shot but the building is an interesting one so I thought I'd have a go at processing the image. Since I shoot in Raw format only (ORF for my Olympus e420 around 10MB per photo) and use Adobe Photoshop Elements for cataloguing and editing I can get away with a lot more than shooting in jpeg.
ISO 100, 1/60 sec, f7.1
Adobe Camera Raw settings: Adjusted White Balance, Temperature cooler, adjusted Tint, Exposure dropped a little, Recovery to 100, Fill Light not adjusted, Blacks slightly increased, Brightness not adjusted, Contrast higher and my favourite settings Clarity at +100, Vibrance +50ish, Saturation -70ish.
Once open in PSE just a quick straighten.