DIY Dolly for Time Lapse

Today I build a prototype dolly for some future time lapse that I want to do with some spare parts around the house, kinda macgyvered it with some spare bits of wood. I did purchase a motor with a gearbox that is around 38 RPM, battery holder, micro switch to cut power and an on/off switch, for this test I just hooked the power pack directly up to the motor.

Above is a still of the dolly in action and below is a short video clip.

The test time lapse is below, starts with no movement as I needed to hook up the power to the motor, images taken 2 seconds apart. I think I need to work on the speed of the dolly, but great first run, actual build will probably not be made from wood and will most likely use a threaded steel bar as the drive mechanism.


A day in Bendigo


Band Photo Shoot