My 365 Project

I made it! I've just posted my 365th photo of 365 and it does feel great knowing that I kept going even when I wanted to just stop.

It started of as an idea with a friend at work who first suggested it and I thought it was an interesting thing to attempt but wasn't sure if I wanted to start it. I'd only had my Olympus OMD EM-5 for just on one month and thought this would get me to learn the new camera quickly so I thought why not and started my project with the mindset of "I'll see how I go for a while".

It started of great and was travelling well until around 110, then a few after the half way mark around 170 and again around the 250 mark, the hardest was in the last 10 days of the final 2 weeks over Christmas and New Years and on holidays. Buy this time I just wanted a break but knew I was close and pushed ahead. 

At the start I was uploading to Google+. Shortly after I started my Facebook Page and started to make regular uploads to my Flickr portfolio too and because I can't stop at just one photo I ended up posting multiple images to three locations daily. I added 500px to my social media list and shortly after Instagram. So for the last almost third or my 365 Project I was uploading my daily project image and a few others to 5 social media sites almost every day that took around 1-3 hours to complete, so by the end I needed a break. 

I'm not sure if I'd do something this long again, not sure if it is beneficial to do so as I found myself circling around common subjects/styles and having to take a photo when you are lacking inspiration/creation can take it's toll.

In the end I'm glad I did this and that I was able to complete it and I'm looking forward to some time to recharge some creativity. Below shows my 365 journey from 365 back to 1.

Check out my 365 Project Album


One River Many Views


Samuel Johnson visits Bendigo