New Year Long Exposures
Some long exposure shots using Live Mode on my EM-5 with the Zuiko 17mm at F10 of new year celebrations with sparklers.
This one is people running around with sparklers, finished exposure time 12:01am Jan 1, 2014
Long exposure with sparklers and the help of a few friends (I'm the 1 and the trail at the bottom is me running towards camera to stop the exposure)
I attempted to draw a witches hat on a friends head but added a few other things like a dragons tail.
Running round and round creating a spiral of light surrounding a friend.
My attempt at a spider..
One sparkler not moving.
A friends attempt at writing Happy New Year - Attempt 1
Attempt 2
Attempt 3 - for this one letters were written backwards to the camera but forwards for the writer then flipped to reveal the 3rd attempt.