Hotel Shamrock Reflection
After some rain last week I headed out to get a few reflection photos around Bendigo over a lunch break. I love the cobblestones around the city and the water in them across the road from the Hotel Shamrock caught my eye, the next part was to get a few photos without being ran over by the cars coming out of Sidney Myer Place. I had to get out of the way once whilst trying to time separate shots so I could edit in post and have no cars in front of the building.
It worked pretty well but there was a lot of traffic so still have a few cars in the final image below.
The Final Image
The final image above is made up of parts from the four shots below with most from the first one. The first three were edited in lightroom then opened up in photoshop as layers then aligned. Next the upper layers were masked and only the sections I wanted (building with no car) were painted in. Because the first three had no clear shot of the post that has the lights on it I took it from the fourth shot that isn’t lined up but does well enough to include in the final image.