Lost Trades Fair 2020
I checked out the 2020 Lost Trades Fair on the second day, Sunday the 8th March at the Bendigo Racecourse. It was the first time I’ve attended and the first time hosted in Bendigo after outgrowing space in Kyneton. The parking stretched out like spider webs away from the racecourse, ended up having a good 1km or so just to get the the outer gates. When I got there handwritten signs asking not to steal the toilet paper! Crazy days.

Do not steal out toilet paper!

The below gallery of photos were taken on my 12-40 2.8 and my 40-150 2.8 with every photo after the first 10 taken with the 40-150. All images captured in RAW but had the camera on black and white mode so when looking through the viewfinder I saw the world in black and white, only changing back to colour when I had ideas to do a selective colour image.
Switching back and forth between black and white and colour does not mean much for the files themselves as they are RAW and colour data is always captured but it helps a lot when capturing if you can see in black and white.
I had ideas of how I was going to process the below images but whilst editing the 87 below ideas came and changed my initial thoughts for a few of the images.
Click through and enjoy!