My First Wedding Shoot

So that wedding I have blogged about numerous times before happened November 3 2012. 

My equipment for the day:
  • Primary camera was my Olympus e420 with the kit lenses 14-42mm f3.5, the 40-150mm f5.6 and a 35mm f3.5 macro for the detail shots, a tripod, Gary Fongs 'The Puffer' and a spare battery. Flash used was the popup.
  • Backup camera and camera used for the getting ready shots was a borrowed Sony NEX-5 with two lenses, a f2.8 16mm and a f3.5 18-55mm. I used this one in the morning to conserve battery life for my primary camera not knowing if two batteries would be enough for the day.

The shoot started on November 2 technically at the ceremony rehearsal where I got some shots of the rings (the first two on this page). Back to November 3 at 11am at the brides parents house to get the getting ready shots/flower/jewelry/dress/shoes and other detail shots.

The ceremony was at 3pm and reception from 6:30pm.
Overall the day was fun but tiring as I didn't clock off till 10:20pm.

I shot RAW in Aperture priority mode and set the max ISO to 400 (the Olympus has an auto ISO mode that can have a max limit set), anything over 400 on this body with it's older sensor starts to get very noisy, usually I do not go above 200 but I sacrificed some extra noise for less motion blur. 

I ended up shooting around 850 shots, 360 ended up on a DVD in JPG format to the clients/friends.

Anyway here some of the shots from the event.

For this shot I used my mobile phones LED light as the light source, the sun was pretty low and behind the trees at the rehearsal.

Olympus e420 with 35mm Macro Lens

Olympus e420 with 14-42mm Lens on tripod

Sony NEX-5 with 18-55mm

Olympus e420 with 35mm Macro Lens

Sony NEX-5 with 18-55mm

A moment after reading a letter from the groom the brides eyes have gone glassy, but no tears.
Sony NEX-5 with 18-55mm

Olympus e420 with 35mm Macro Lens

Olympus e420 with 14-42mm Lens on tripod

Olympus e420 with 14-42mm Lens on tripod

Olympus e420 with 14-42mm Lens

Olympus e420 with 14-42mm Lens on tripod

Olympus e420 with 14-42mm Lens on tripod

Olympus e420 with 14-42 Lens

Olympus e420 with 14-42mm Lens

Olympus e420 with 14-42mm Lens

Olympus e420 with 40-150mm Lens

Olympus e420 with 40-150mm Lens

Olympus e420 with 40-150mm Lens

Olympus e420 with 40-150mm Lens

Olympus e420 with 40-150mm Lens

Olympus e420 with 40-150mm Lens

Olympus e420 with 40-150mm Lens

Olympus e420 with 40-150mm Lens

Olympus e420 with 40-150mm Lens

Olympus e420 with 40-150mm Lens

Note to self: be sure to lookout for strange things in frame. It looks like the groom has a dress/skirt on.
Olympus e420 with 40-150mm Lens

Olympus e420 with 40-150mm Lens

Olympus e420 with 40-150mm Lens

"Just jam it on!"
Olympus e420 with 40-150mm Lens

Olympus e420 with 40-150mm Lens

Olympus e420 with 40-150mm Lens

Olympus e420 with 40-150mm Lens

Olympus e420 with 40-150mm Lens

Olympus e420 with 40-150mm Lens

Olympus e420 with 40-150mm Lens

Olympus e420 with 14-42mm Lens - Standing on a Ladder we brought just incase.

Olympus e420 with 14-42mm Lens

Olympus e420 with 14-42mm Lens

Olympus e420 with 14-42mm Lens

Olympus e420 with 14-42mm Lens

Olympus e420 with 14-42mm Lens

Olympus e420 with 14-42mm Lens

Olympus e420 with 14-42mm Lens

Olympus e420 with 14-42mm Lens

Olympus e420 with 40-150mm Lens

Olympus e420 with 40-150mm Lens

Olympus e420 with 40-150mm Lens

Olympus e420 with 40-150mm Lens

Olympus e420 with 14-42mm Lens

Olympus e420 with 14-42mm Lens with tripod

Olympus e420 with 14-42mm Lens with tripod

Olympus e420 with 14-42mm Lens

Olympus e420 with 14-42mm Lens with tripod

Olympus e420 with 14-42mm Lens with tripod

Olympus e420 with 14-42mm Lens

Olympus e420 with 14-42mm Lens

Olympus e420 with 40-150mm Lens

Olympus e420 with 40-150mm Lens

Olympus e420 with 14-42mm Lens with tripod

Olympus e420 with 14-42mm Lens

Olympus e420 with 14-42mm Lens

Olympus e420 with 14-42mm Lens with tripod

Olympus e420 with 14-42mm Lens

Olympus e420 with 14-42mm Lens

Olympus e420 with 14-42mm Lens

Olympus e420 with 14-42mm Lens with tripod

Olympus e420 with 14-42mm Lens with tripod

Olympus e420 with 14-42mm Lens with tripod

Olympus e420 with 14-42mm Lens with "the puffer"

Glass lit with my phone LED
Olympus e420 with 14-42mm Lens with tripod

Olympus e420 with 14-42mm Lens with "the puffer"

Winning an Olympus OMD E-M5... hopefully


Reflections Photo Competition Win!