Reflections Photo Competition Win!

First of a huge thanks for everyone (especially my wife) who voted for my photo in the Gizmodo Reflections competition to win an Olympus OMD EM-5 (the camera I plan to get either way), You've propelled my shot into first place in the eleventh hour. It's now one of three shots that will be in the running for the prize, winner announced November 30 chosen by Gizmodo editors.

I'd all but given up on winning Saturday morning being 6% or so behind after being 2-3% in front Friday night until Sunday evening when support for my shot went crazy on Facebook from I think my cousin Tara and my brother Mitch and probably others, many I do not know.

I didn't get much sleep last night waking a little after 3am and checking the poll results to find out I was 2-3% behind again. I couldn't get to sleep for around 45min after I'd planned what my next step was which turned out to be an email to people at work with a Google shortened link and a request to use personal devices on their own data instead of WiFi to get the extra votes and this along with everything else was just enough to maintain the lead so again a big thanks to everyone!

I've grabbed a screen capture of the end results showing the entire page that everyone had to load in order to vote. Image is 3.2Mb if you view it large. 


My First Wedding Shoot


Liquid Photography - First Attempt