A tour of the old Bendigo Gaol

Today I was lucky enough to have a look at the heritage listed Bendigo Gaol/Jail. In a previous post I got some shots of the stairs in one of the guard towers and that sparked my interest to getting some shots from within the grounds. There are currently construction works going on ($25.8 million development) in the grounds, interior walls have been taken down to make room for new buildings. In the shots below you'll see what's left over from the demolition of the external buildings that were off the main cell block.

One of the Guard Towers

To the right of this image is where the inmates that died in these walls were buried.

I could not fit this into one shot so 3 shots were stitched together

This is looking up inside the main cell block in the middle of the two wings

The cells are not very big!

Got a ghost in the shot! or is it?

second level Sandhurst wing

According to the sign near this door, this was Chopper Reid cell

5 frame HDR of the Marong wing

Double cell

25sec exposure

Both wings, 3 images stitched together

Stairwell of one of the guard towers that I was able to go up

View from inside the guard tower

Looking towards the main cell block

Some names etched into the bricks

Baby birds taken up nest inside the wall of the guard tower

Heading back down

The guard tower I was in

Past and Present - Bendigo


On the fly ND filter