On the fly ND filter
Yesterday morning I was in town a little after 8am and decided to use the 30min before work getting a few shots of the Cascades. I was thinking that since the sun was still low I should be able to capture a little more movement in the water, the image just below shows the final result but it required a little creativity.
ISO 200, 1/1sec (0.769sec), f/22
The first shot I took using a wall as my tripod but even trying to maximize the shutter time it only just started to capture motion. I needed a way to darken the light coming into the lens so I could capture a longer exposure.
ISO 200, 1/13th sec (0.077sec), f/22
I've been looking at a B+W 52mm ND 3.0 (10 Stops) recently, would have been a nice thing to have to get a great shot here but I had to make do with what I had. Sun glasses. That should do something! Very carefully so my camera didn't fall of the makeshift tripod (the wall) I tried to place one of the glasses lenses in front of the camera lens, below are the shots before I got the final one where I got almost 100% coverage (I had to crop the final one just a tiny bit)
ISO 200, 1/1sec (0.769sec), f/22
ISO 200, 1/1sec (0.769sec), f/22
ISO 200, 1/1sec (0.769sec), f/22
As you can see the sun glasses allowed me to slow the shutter speed so I could capture some more motion!