The Great Stupa - Hungry Ghost Festival (Enlighten)

The Great Stupa of Universal Compassion looked a lot different the last time I visited. This is a given as it was many, many years ago before the Stupa was even close to being complete. With a last minute change of plans an evening out during the Hungry Ghost Festival and Enlighten (an immersive light experience).

I packed light with photography gear taking only my Olympus OMD EM1 MK3 with the 8-25mm f/4, a GoPro 11 (forgot turn off stabilisation) with a falcon gimbal to try and keep the video from blurring too much in the low light and my tripod which I never used.

It was a great night out with some great food, just had to watch out for puddles and slippery mud!

A short video

Below is a short video with a few images captured on the night, toward the middle is a timewarp (time-lapse) walking toward the Stupa making it easy to see the rolling colours being projected on the structure.

The photos

There was an amazing sunset on this night but unfortunately the gates were not open until 6pm leaving just a hint of an amazing sunset that you can see below in the first few images. All photos were captured hand held. In order to get the Great Stupa and it’s reflection in a single image multiple frames were captured to create a panoramic tall or wide enough to fit everything in. I hope you enjoy the gallery below and be sure to check out the next Enlighten.

When I was squatting at puddles near the Stupa I was wishing I’d bought my 7mm 2.8 lens to fit more in the frame. But even the 7mm lens would have trouble fitting the Supta and it’s reflection in the puddles at it’s base in the one shot.


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