Spring Snow - A winter wonderland at Mount Macedon

After seeing some amazing images of the winter wonderland at Mount Macedon caused by an usually cold front producing snow I planned a visit the following day.

I woke a little after 6am, got ready and jumped in the car with plans to visit the nearby Mt Alexander that is over 700m in elevation, a good 100 over the forecast of 600m for possible snow. On the way the car was reading out external temperatures of 2 degrees celsius in North Harcourt with localised frost and some fog. The problem was that there were no clouds around Mt Alexander, no clouds no snow probably.

I took the gamble and drove on another 40 minutes to Mount Macedon which was covered in cloud at the top. I got excited when I saw evidence of the snow fall from the previous day and it only got better the higher I got. First stop was at the top of the mountain with visits lower down on the way out.

Below is a short video of the morning along with a gallery of images captured.

All images captured on the Olympus EM-1 MK3 with the 8-25mm f/4 lens. Some images below are available as prints, if you are interested in one that is not on my shop please let me know.


Shooting Comet C/2024 G3 (ATLAS)


The Great Stupa - Hungry Ghost Festival (Enlighten)