First Storm of the Year
January 15, the first storm of the year bringing a welcome cool change and also blowing away a lot of smoke haze. I ducked out of work for 30 or so minutes to try and capture some shots of the storm and hopefully lightning. Once again I decided the Pro Capture mode (60 fps full RAW, with 15 saved before i push the shutter all the way) was the best chance to capture lightning with no trigger or tripod. I did end up with over 600 photos, most that needed to be deleted.
This first image below is my favorite from the storm and one I really was hoping to capture from the Poppet Head in Rosalind Park before the storm got too close. As I was capturing this photo I could smell the water in the air, the temperature was dropping quickly and it was getting windy.
I left if a few minutes too late and I got a soaking from the first downpour when I was back on the ground and before I could find shelter, I went back to work soaked mostly on one side but refreshed!
Cathedral Lightning - Available for purchase at my Redbubble store
Below are a series of photos captured during the 30 minute break and also after work when I once again got a soaking mostly from the lack of bus stop shelter windows missing leaving my shoes and feet drenched. Some huge claps of thunder at this time also but no lightning to be seen with the heavy rain, I do love storms!
Update: Images on Sky Weather!